Musings on music, sports, life in general from Quincy, Illinois.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Brother John Is Right On

John Frank preached for us at First Union this morning and gave about the most appropriate message I've ever heard.

It was about old stuff and new stuff, and how we treasure both. When it comes to music in church, you can have the best of both worlds.

You may be a traditionalist, you may love the sound of the organ and the old hymns, and you might not like the newer "contemporary" music out there, but it's all good if it's done in the proper worship setting.

John closed with a prayer of sorts by singing a song called "Where The River Is Flowing" by Gerrit Gustafson, and I played guitar for him. It's a very mellow song and John sung it beautifully. People actually clapped for us when it was done. The nerve!

After the service we got a lot of compliments, some from people I really didn't think would like it. Serves me right for being stubborn and narrowminded.

Anyway, it was the best Sunday morning I've spent in a long, long time.

Thanks, Brother John.

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