Musings on music, sports, life in general from Quincy, Illinois.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

One Year Ago

I don't put a lot of weight into dates and times. But it was one year ago almost to this very hour that my mom passed away in Grand Rapids.

There is still a very empty feeling today, especially with the rain.

She is indeed in a better place, and that makes me feel better.


Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you, as do my prayers for you snd your entire family. May God's peace surround you all as you remember your mom.


Anonymous said...

The recent past has sure been a time of tough losses and tough choices for you.

I can't say for sure that this is case for you, but I've been through what I call "crucible times" where losses, difficult challenges and seemingly "you can't win" choices abound and in looking back with 20/20 hindsight I can see that I was being "refined", stretched, and prepared for what God had in store for me next.

FWIW, you're in my prayers (pretty regularly, actually)

Rodney Hart said...

You can say that for sure. I want to take 2005 and erase it from my memory.

But it doesn't work that way.

Thanks for the prayers. We all could use them, I think.

Anonymous said...

I visited the cemetary yesterday, and as I sat and talked to mom, it dawned me that it was about 12:30 - around the very time they came to the family room, and told us that she had died. I think the word "empty" is a good one to describe the feeling.

Anonymous said...

I think anniversaries and dates prompt such memories. I remember interviewing a meth addict about the time mom was being taken to the hospital. The memories aren't bad things - it happened, it was a tragic event, and to block it out is even worse.

I felt empty yesterday too. It was rainy and dreary, but after I went to the Reynolds and gave guitar lessons I felt a lot better. - RH