Musings on music, sports, life in general from Quincy, Illinois.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


After the 6-1 senior graduated last night, she posed with some family, including my sister from Louisville (left), who looks like she just found the lost cap from her camera.

Always a big step, high school graduation. I vaguely remembered mine, it was more relief that anything. I hated high school, and it was mostly my fault.

I am proud of the 6-1 senior. She got a very good education at Quincy Public Schools. Jeff Mays gave a brief talk during the ceremony and he is right — the world is much different and much more complicated than when we graduated just a few, uh, years ago.

So there was a lot of jubilation when everything was said and done.

Lots of fun at the post-graduation party as well, a big thanks to the many parents who volunteered to make it a safe and fun time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

6'2" and 6'1" look like sista's. I don't thinks any of them are shorter than 5'10" except the little 11 year old that is 5'3"!!!!

Where did these giants come from???