Musings on music, sports, life in general from Quincy, Illinois.

Friday, June 19, 2009


From Rev. Tim White at last Sunday's Trinity UCC service ....

An elderly man and his wife are in bed. His wife looks over and says, "You never hold my hand anymore."

The old man slowly creaks his tired body closer to his wife and fumbles for her hand.

His wife looks over and says, "You know what? I miss cuddling with you."

So the man slowly and painfully moves even closer and nestles his head under his wife's neck.

She sighs after a minute and says, "Remember when you used to nibble on my ear?"

There's a pause. And the old man bolts up out of bed, swings his legs over the side and begins walking away.

"Where are you going?" asks the confused wife.

"Why, to get my teeth from the bathroom, of course!" the man replies.

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